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 Today   Generally clear. Very warm. High 21°C. Winds ESE at 4 to 9 m/s.
 Tonight   Generally clear. Low 12°C. Winds E at 4 to 9 m/s.
 Tomorrow   Generally clear. Very warm. High 21°C. Winds E at 7 to 11 m/s.
 Tomorrow night   Generally clear. Low 12°C. Winds E at 7 to 11 m/s.
 Thursday   Generally clear and windy. High 19°C. Winds E at 9 to 13 m/s.
 Thursday night   Generally clear. Low 13°C. Winds E at 7 to 11 m/s.
 Friday   Generally clear and windy. High 18°C. Winds E at 7 to 11 m/s.
 Friday night   Generally clear. Low 12°C. Winds E at 7 to 11 m/s.
 Saturday   Generally clear. High 19°C. Winds E at 4 to 9 m/s.
 Saturday night   Partly cloudy. Low 12°C. Winds E at 4 to 7 m/s.
 Sunday   Partly cloudy. High 19°C. Winds E at 2 to 4 m/s.
 Sunday night   Partly cloudy. Low 12°C. Winds E at 2 to 4 m/s.